The “Javier Sánchez Gámiz” Bullfighting Collection, National Library of Mexico
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bibliographic rarities

How to Cite

Coello Ugalde, José Francisco. 2018. “The ‘Javier Sánchez Gámiz’ Bullfighting Collection, National Library of Mexico”. Bibliographica 1 (1):199-220.

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In 2010 the library of Javier Sánchez Gámiz, over 500 titles, entered the Reserved Fund of the National Library as a donation. This is the first time the National University has adopted a collection on a controversial topic: bullfighting. This paper aims to show some aspects related to the way in which the bibliophiles come to integrate such peculiar collections, particularly that of Sánchez Gámiz. There are other bibliophiles, such as Carlos Cuesta Baquero, Eleuterio Martínez, Marco Antonio Ramírez or Salvador García Bolio, and organizations as the Bibliófilos Taurinos, among others, which contribute to consolidate bullfighting’s bibliography, newspapers and magazines in Mexico.
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