Scientific Periodical Publications at the Core: Basis for the Development of Models
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Scientific periodical publication
book history
scientific periodical publication ecosystem
science periodical publishing

How to Cite

Valdez Garza, Dalia. 2021. “Scientific Periodical Publications at the Core: Basis for the Development of Models”. Bibliographica 4 (2):183-214.

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This article contains the fundamentals to elaborate study models centered in the scientific periodical publication, with a historical and interdisciplinary viewpoint, from the integral perspective of book studies. Current contributions have placed the editorial system as a subordinate to the scientific one, both of which are geared to the “documentary and information system”, and disjointed in their study to a global “hemerographic system”. This paper undertakes the explanation and contextualization of science publication, its actors and their activities boundaries in said systems– always maintaining a relation of interaction and dependence. This comprehensive vision of the scientific periodical publication allows us to overcome the limitations that gave primacy or only acknowledged “scientific texts” and their authors. Thus, the scientific periodical publication ecosystem is presented here as a basis for developing particular study models in the proposed systems, extensions that explain its particular internal dynamics, and who intervenes and how. An example of this is the “editorial model” that has been the starting point for this exploration, the research of the Boletín de Ciencias Médicas (Mexico, 1910-1916).
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