Author Guidelines
All contributions must constitute an original work (strictly unpublished), and may not be submitted to any other journal while they are under consideration in Bibliographica. Manuscripts should be presented in electronic form as a Microsoft Word file, Letter sheet size (21.5 x 28 cm), with 2.5 cm upper and inferior margins and 3 cm on the sides, 12 points Times New Roman font, and should be 1.5 lines spaced. The length of papers or articles should be within 20 and 25 pages, including notes, tables, figures, citations and references. Book reviews should be within 5 to 8 pages long, and the book’s publication date must not exceed 3 years by the time the review is issued.
All papers should have a title with an extent of no more than 80 characters, and include an abstract in Spanish and English with the following information: subject, main objectives, original contribution to the field, relevance and conclusions. It must not exceed 800 characters total and should also include up to 5 keywords in both languages.
Provide a cover letter with the following information: Author / Institution / Agency or Department / University, Faculty or School, Department / City, State, Country / Institutional or professional e-mail / ORCID.
If you don’t have an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID), you can request it when you send your contribution through Open Journal Systems, in the link found after the e-mail field.
Please organize the articles’ general outline as follows:
- Introduction: Defines the object of study and describes the addressed problem, as well as the analysis methodology.
- Development: Central parts that analyze the object of study; in its frame, authors can use the subdivisions and subtitles that they consider appropriate.
- Conclusions: Specify the investigation results and highlight the article’s original contributions, as well as the new lines of research that it opens.
- References: Alphabetical list of the consulted and cited works, including their DOI and URL.
Book reviews must include a brief title (in quotation marks, and different to the book reviewed) in Spanish and English, as well as 5 keywords in both languages.
All articles will be subject twice to double-blind peer review, therefore all direct and indirect references to the author in the manuscript should be removed. (This includes identifying references which appear unbeknownst to many authors in the document’s “Properties” section, which is found under “File” in MS Word). Example for references and footnotes: [reference deleted for peer review]
Please send your corrections in a single file (the same file you will be sent along with the blind peer reviews), and marked with Track Changes in Word.
Tables and figures (photographs, drawings, paintings and all graphic material) should be saved in a separate folder and titled individually in the exact manner as they appeared inside the text, as follow: /Table X/ or /Image X/ (numbered sequentially). Captions with a brief description of the graphic (no more than 3 lines) must be included in a separate text file. All images must be scanned in 300 DPI, in original size (without modifications), considering a minimal size of 5 x 5 cm (2 x 2 inches). Tables and charts must contain no color, in Word editable files. Graphs must have a maximum of 3 tones, so the grayscales can be differentiated. Please do not use Internet downloaded images or digitized ones from other books; original sources are preferable.
All images should be properly listed and have a clear indication of the source and owner of the copyright (credits, photographer, institution, archive, etc). If the author is not the copyright owner nor has explicit permission to publish the images, he must sign and submit a full responsibility letter, to exempt the Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas (IIB) of any type of liability or damage that may be caused by their use.
Style Guidelines
Excluding the initial one, all paragraphs should start with a first-line indentation (1.25 cm) and no line should separate them.
Italics will be used exclusively for foreign words (unless inside quotation marks, which should be double); do not use them for emphasis. Use bolds only to denote title and subtitle hierarchies. If you wish to emphasize a word, simply underline it with the same font color.
Initials and centuries should appear in caps (UN, UCLA, IBM; XVIII, XIX), avoiding the use of small caps in all cases; acronyms will be capitalized or mixed case (Aids, Gestapo, Moma). Scientific and technical words or terms, and shortened words, such as initials and acronyms, should be spelt out in full the first time they appear on the manuscript. We recommend avoiding abbreviations.
In-text citation and quotes should always be within double quotation marks. If they exceed either 5 lines or 600 characters, they should be set apart in a single paragraph, indented as a block (1.25 cm) and without quotation marks.
The IIB adopted the official Spanish version of The Chicago Manual of Style (Manual de estilo Chicago Deusto).
See examples in
Consult English edition here
All in-text citations should always be referenced on a footnote; please, do not use parenthesis to do so. In addition, include a list of references at the end of the article, where all bibliographic and archive materials should appear, alphabetically arranged by the author’s last name and with hanging indentation (1.25 cm). It is the author’s responsibility to ensure all citations and quotes match the aforementioned reference list. All references must be presented according to Chicago’s “Notes and bibliography” source citation system.
Please include the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) of the consulted references.
The Instituto de Investigaciones Bibliográficas gives priority to the correct and complete registration of the list of references or sources consulted and cited.
Bibliographica does not charge the authors any fee for sending and processing articles for publication.